Monday, 15 September 2014

Hong Kong

Well here we are in Hong Kong, comfortably ensconced in the Salisbury Hotel in our room overlooking Victoria Harbour.........and what a magnificent scene it is. It almost rivals Sydney and is certainly one of the most picturesque in the world.
Our flight over went very smoothly and we both agree that the upgrade was worth the money. Premium Economy is nothing on business, but significantly better than economy.

We got to our hotel quite late and up early (couldnt sleep) ........and then remembered how long flights knock you about. Came good after a spot of shopping and a trip across the harbour on the iconic White Star Line ferries. It was interesting mixing it with the locals and getting a feel for the old Hong Kong, the sounds, smells and movement. The smog certainly hasn't improved and there is a constant haze in the air. Wendy reckons HK has a distinctive smell and she seems to have a "crinkle" in her nose when she says it!

Hong Kong is a nocturnal city, a bit like Las Vegas. It really doesn't get going until the sun goes down and all the neon lights start up. After an explore and orientation, we had a rest back at our hotel (which is quite swank) and then headed out into the hustle and bustle of Nathan Rd and the back alleys. We were peckish and we checked out a number of eateries frequented by the locals but some of the dishes looked decidedly "genuine" with live things in the windows, so we had time and we explored until we found a really nice place upstairs with excellent Peking Duck. I've never eaten it before and it was delicious!

Our plan was to be on the harbour foreshore to photograph the Symphony of Lights at 8 o'clock but, and it wasn't a surprise, the show was cancelled because of the typhoon. Yes that's correct, the typhoon. All day it's been blowy and squally (umbrellas flying everywhere) but it picked up in the evening and they made it a level 8 warning! Each time we come to HK we seem to run into a typhoon.
It was impossible to photograph (nearly got blown into the harbour) and I tried for a couple of shots from our room through the window.... but I don't think they will be good enough quality to print.

Anyway, it's almost time to check out and do our last round of the shops before we head to the airport this afternoon for the next leg to Frankfurt. Looking out the window, the rain seems to have eased and the squalls lessening.
Here's hoping!

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